Echosounders for unmanned surface vehicles (USV), Scanning sonar for ROV and AUV.

Ethernet converter Echologger TU-E2S

Ethernet Converter

Ethernet converter with dedicated port power control, real-time power monitoring, and seamless RS-485/RS-232 integration.

Autonomous data collection for long period of times from Echologger underwater sensors. DL3S, underwater data logger is unique in the market as an autonomous system used underwater with many useful practical scientific features.

Scanning Sonar, Imaging Sonar, Profiling Sonar MRS900P

Profiling Sonar

Ultracompact scanning sonar for high resolution profiling with a multi-frequency cone beam transducer.

The Echologger MRS900P series redefines the standard for high-performance underwater profiling and is designed for precise profiling of underwater structures.